Ahead of the auspicious day of Gudi Padwa, where vehicle dealerships expect a huge number of bookings, the state transport department has finally begun the process to migrate to the e-registration software ‘Vahan 4.0’, at the Tardeo, Wadala and Thane Regional Transport Office (RTOs). The software, which has been in the making since 2014, will be replicated across all 48 RTOs in the state and would enable direct registration onto the government’s server.
Over the last few days, the implementation of the new software has begun, the latest one being at the Thane RTO. “The whole idea is to enable vehicles to be registered straight by the dealers, with all the details. The RTO inspectors will only inspect the vehicle then,” said Praveen Gedam, Transport Commissioner. The officials claim that once this begins full throttle, then soon after manufacturing a vehicle, information right from chassis number could be mentioned on the software.
Presently, the dealers take lot of time in registering vehicles and never deliver them on the promised date. One of the major reasons behind this is the registration process. This software will also smoothen the buying and selling of second hand vehicles. “The owner can automatically buy and sell second hand vehicles online with this software,” said an official. However, one major problem that the authorities are facing is digitising over 6 crore documents.